Join the Meiklejohn Lab!
The Meiklejohn Lab is looking for talented individuals to join the team. Research in the Meiklejohn is centered on using and improving DNA-based analysis in both human and non-human forensic casework. See open positions below:
Graduate Students
The Meiklejohn Lab will accept rotating graduate students beginning in Fall 2022. Students interested in joining the lab should apply to the Cell Biology Concentration area of Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBS) Graduate Program at the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine. Information about the program can be found here: Students already at NC State in the CBS Graduate Program who are interested in rotating in the lab should contact Dr. Meiklejohn directly to set up a meeting.
Undergraduate Researchers
NC State undergraduates wanting to gain hands-on research experience can join the Meiklejohn Lab for research credit hours, and should apply via the College of Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Research Program (more information can be found here: Undergraduates in the Meiklejohn Lab will work closely with Dr. Meiklejohn and the Meiklejohn Lab Research Associate (Melissa Scheible) to complete independent research projects that contribute to the larger goals of the lab. Undergraduate researchers will have the opportunity to learn techniques pertinent to DNA forensic science including DNA extraction, DNA quantification, PCR, STR typing, and sanger and next-generation sequencing. Undergraduate researchers are expected to attend and contribute to weekly lab meetings.